2013 年賴翠霜舞創劇場應兩廳院邀約參加"新點子專案"
編創全新作品《家.溫℃ Home Temperature》


實驗劇場 Experimental Theatre Taipei

『家』,給每個人都有不一樣的感覺,有溫馨的,充滿愛的,冷淡的,有受 傷的,疼痛的,不安全感的 ,謊言,暴力的,有思念的,有複雜的...........,對 許多人來說家 也許是個避風港,但是對某部份的人來說卻是惡夢的根 源。家的組成可以說是個社會的小縮影,他是影響了我們一生人格的 發展,也是孕育我們身心靈的重要搖籃。
每個人心裡都有一把測量家的冷暖溫度計,根據家裡的氣氛來決定溫 度高低,父母親對家庭的管教裡,往往不是太過就是不及,導致變成家 庭問題根本性的來源。通常人不是生下來就會當父母的,當一個生命 的到來之後他們才會在這之中慢慢學習角色的替換。不過天底下沒 有滿分的父母,當準父母還在探索該如何教育下一代的過程裡,孩子已 經在你的身教裡悄悄的吸收養分,漸漸的成為另一個模仿父母而成形 的複製品,直到接觸學校,社會,然後慢慢的獨自成為屬於自己的特有 性格。身教的重要性決定孩子未來品格發展,若是孩子在一個充滿暴 力,壓迫,情緒勒索,過度保護,溺愛,缺乏管教的家庭環境裡長大,那絕對 是影響往後人格發展方向的重要關鍵。
而這次所要探討的主題就跟家庭的成長環境,教育,相處,兩性暴力之 間的問題有習習的相關。根據統計,世界上每 15 秒鐘就有一名女性 或兒童被受家暴,在德國每四個女人就有一位是家暴的犧牲者,在台灣 家暴的案例每年至少有六萬件。『家』這個名詞乍看之下也許是幸 福溫暖的代表,但是對許多人來說背後所隱藏的卻是無法啓齒的祕密, 無限的恐懼與害怕已經是他們對家的定義。

[Home Temperature]
The word "home" arouses different emotional responses among different people. Some find it warm and full of love; some find it cold; some painful and traumatized; some lacking sense of security; some full of lies or violence; some much yearned and cherished; some causing mixed feelings. To many people homes are their shelter, but to certain people homes are where their nightmares rooted. A home is not only an epitome of the society to which it belongs, but also an important source for the spiritual and intellectual development of its members, whose personalities are thus defined. 

Everyone holds a hidden emotional thermometer in the heart, to measure the changing atmosphere in his or her home. Both excessive parenting and poor parenting can lead to domestic problems. And both are commonly seen in our society. No one is born to be a parent. Most parents educate themselves how to play their roles after they are gifted with a child. There is no perfect parent in the world. Often while the parents are still discovering the right parenting and education methods, children already observe and learn the examples set by the parents, and thus become a mirror or copy of their parents. It is not until being exposed to school or society that one begins to develop his or her independent characteristics. The example set by the parents are therefore defining. The family environment a child is born to, no matter if violent, suppressive, emotionally extorting, or overprotecting, spoiling, lacking control, is always the key to a child's personality development. 

The statistics says every fifteen seconds, a woman or a child is abused somewhere in the world. In Germany, one woman out of four is or has been the victim of domestic violence. In Taiwan, the number of domestic violence cases is at least sixty thousand per year. The word "home" might seem to be a symbol of happiness to many, but actually to many others, it hides many unspeakable or despicable secrets. To them, endless fear and terror is the definition of home. 



賴翠霜舞創劇場 +0086 932 184 490 laistanztheater@gmail.com